2 Promising Strategies for Preventing Skin Cancer with Vitamins and Antioxidants

Health & Medical Blog

In the hot Australian sun, skin cancer is a real concern. It's estimated that there will be 13,283 new melanoma diagnoses in 2016. Certain people are at greater risk of this type of cancer. These include people with fairer complexions, those with weak or suppressed immune systems, those with a family history of skin cancer because of a genetic predisposition, those with a lot of moles, people who have been sunburnt a lot in the past, and those with reduced DNA repair capability. However, even with the above factors taken into account, skin cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer. By limiting your exposure to UV radiation from the sun or sunbeds, you are giving yourself the best chance of avoiding it. Wear a good broad spectrum sunscreen (SPF 15 - 30) and stay out of the direct sunlight during the hottest times of day (10am-4pm) to reduce your risk. If you're doing this but would like to add to your protection, read on.

Healthy Eating Is Not Just about Healthy Weight

The benefits of low-fat diets that are high in fruit and vegetables are frequently promoted as a way of reducing your chances of cancer. If you're not eating a healthy diet like this, you should start now. This type of diet is associated with fewer common skin pre-cancers. Foods high in antioxidants such as vitamins C and E can rid the body of free radical toxins that have the potential to cause damage. If you have a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, then you'll be getting these vitamins. Whatever you eat, consider adding tomatoes to the mix. They are rich in lycopene, which research suggests can protect skin from UV damage occurred from sunburn. The very best source of lycopene from tomatoes is from tomato paste, so add this to your diet.

Retinoids Are Not Just for Acne and Anti-Ageing

Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that can be taken orally or applied topically to the skin. They're usually given out for acne, but in recent years, they have been used by dermatologists for their anti-ageing properties. Retinoids could potentially prevent skin cancer. When taken orally (as isotretinoin), they work by improving sun damaged skin, while the topical retinoids ( Retin-A and Renova) can be used to remove precancerous skin lesions like actinic keratoses and basal cell carcinomas. Retinoid use should not be a substitute for protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays. However, if you feel that you are in the risk category for skin cancer, it's worth speaking to your dermatologist about these treatments.


23 June 2016

Common Health Problems and Solutions

Hello, my name is Catherine and this is my blog all about health and medical topics. I was inspired to start this blog by my husband who works in a hospital. He isn't a doctor, he works in a lab testing blood samples. However, he is extremely interested in medicine. When his grandma got sick, he quickly established what might be wrong and got her all the help she needed. Sometimes is the evening, we sit and read textbooks and talk about medicine. It sounds insane but we both really like it. I decided to start this blog to show off some of what I have learnt.