What You Need to Know About Prostate Cancer Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

Your doctor recommends prostate cancer surgery if other cancer treatment methods have failed or might not work. Different types of prostate cancer include: Low-risk prostate cancer — This is cancer that is localised within your prostate and is unlikely to grow or spread. In this case, your surgeon might need to remove the prostate, part of your urethra and your seminal vesicles. Medium/intermediate-risk prostate cancer — This cancer is localised within your prostate, but there is a chance it might grow or spread.

18 November 2020

Understanding Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Health & Medical Blog

The aorta is a large blood vessel that carries blood from your heart through your abdomen, and when the lower part of this blood vessel becomes enlarged, it's referred to as an abdominal aortic aneurysm. This condition is potentially life-threatening, as the aneurysm can rupture and cause internal bleeding. Here's an overview of the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment approach for an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Causes And Symptoms It's not always possible to identify the cause of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, but the condition can occur as a result of trauma or high blood pressure, which can weaken the walls of the aorta.

28 May 2020

Basal Cell Carcinoma: What the Doctor Will Do If They Suspect It

Health & Medical Blog

Basal cell cancer is among the common skin cancers that affect most people across the world. That small, dark or pinkish or pearly white bump on your neck, head or nose could be a sign of basal cell carcinoma. If the basal cell cancer isn't screened, diagnosed and treated early, it could spread to other tissues. Here's what the doctor will do if they suspect basal cell cancer during a skin check:

28 January 2020

Can Your Family Stay With You in a Retirement Village?


While some people live in retirement villages close to their families, some are further away. If your family members live in another state or even overseas, then you might worry about whether they can stay with you after you move into a village. At the moment, your family can stay with you in your home when they visit. How can you make sure they can still do this after you make the switch to retirement living?

9 December 2019

Proper Care For Your Feet When Living With Diabetes


Diabetes is one of the most common lifestyle diseases today. If you have a positive diagnosis for this condition, then it's high time you started paying lots of attention to your general body health. However, some parts will need more attention from you because of a higher risk of developing infections and complications. Your feet are a good example. Diabetes tends to damage the nervous systems responsible for the sensation in your feet.

11 October 2019

Three Tips To Preparing Your Daughter For Her First Visit To A Gynaecologist


Female health is never to be taken lightly. And while a visit to your gynaecologist may seem like a routine part of your day when you need to go, it is definitely somewhat of a milestone for your daughter. But while gynaecological visits are supposed to be a normal part of a woman's life, the first few visits to this professional can be intimidating. If your child does not know what to expect, the prospect of going to the gynaecologist could quickly become a source of anxiety for them.

29 August 2019

Ways to Make Your Dental Veneers Last Longer

Dentist Blog

Dental veneers often have a life-changing effect on those who use them. They can restore your smile, make it easier to speak and boost your confidence. Depending on the type you choose, yours should last for between 10 and 15 years. If you want to maximise the amount of time you have with them, it's worth learning about a few tips. Maintain a Flossing Routine Your dentist may tell you that it's important to continue with your usual oral hygiene routine after they've placed your dental veneers.

15 July 2019