Using Therapy to Treat Your Addiction

Health & Medical Blog

Addictions come in many forms and it's often difficult to identify when one is taking hold of your life. From everyday products such as food to substance abuse, suffering from an addiction can have a profoundly negative impact on your life. You may now be at the stage where you're willing to attend a psychology clinic. If that's the case, here are some of the ways using therapy can help you overcome your addiction.

1 November 2022

3 Ways A Physio Can Help Fix Recurring Shin Splint Problems

Health & Medical Blog

If you have persistent shin splint problems, then you might not be able to run or play sports regularly. You'll have periods where you feel fine and periods when you can't do any exercise at all. At this stage, it pays to see a physio. They might be able to help you get the problem under control once and for all. How can a physio help fix your shin splint problem?

11 May 2022

5 Reasons to Have Prostate Cancer Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you might feel overwhelmed and confused by the range of treatment options. Although surgery isn't appropriate for everyone who has prostate cancer, it remains one of the most effective and beneficial treatment methods for many people. Take a look at the following reasons to include prostate cancer surgery in your treatment plan. 1. It Can Cure Early Stage Cancer If your cancer has been diagnosed at an early stage, then there is a good chance that surgery could offer a complete cure.

19 January 2022