Hearing Aids: An Option for Everyone


Hearing is an essential part of one's health. Without being able to hear properly, one would not be able to enjoy life to the fullest. Even a simple conversation cannot take place without hearing. This is why hearing aids were introduced — to help those with hearing problems hear better and improve their quality of life. With technological advances, hearing aids have also improved. There are now hearing aids suited to all needs, including those of young children and babies. Hearing aids nowadays are not only comfortable to wear but are also barely visible, offering optimum hearing solutions. Hearing aids work by picking up ambient noise then converting this sound into an electrical impulse which is then passed on to the ear.

All hearing aids work according to the same principle: they pick up ambient noise, the sound is converted into electrical impulses and then it is forwarded, in a modulated form, to the ear. 

Types of hearing aids

Behind the ear: Just as the name suggests, this type of hearing aid is worn behind the ear. It is small and compact and easily fits in the narrow space behind the ear. These are now available in wireless options so that they can be connected to other devices.

Receiver in Canal (RIC) Hearing Aids: This type uses a small plastic tube that goes around the outer ear and follows into the ear canal. The purpose of this is to allow air to flow into the ear. This is great for those who dislike the feeling of a plugged-in device inside their ears.

In the ear: This virtually sits inside your ear and cannot be seen at all from an outside point of view. This is normally made according to your ear where a professional print of your ear canal is taken to ensure that the hearing aid fits perfectly into your ear.

Another final option is a type of hearing aid that is inserted into your ear by a professional. This is extremely small and invisible and can be worn all the time. Unlike the in-the-ear hearing aid, where you can take it out and insert it yourself, this type can only be inserted and removed by a professional as it is placed extremely close to your eardrum.

With so many options available, there is something for all types of hearing problems. It is essential that you visit a hearing specialist to discuss the best options for you. 


27 December 2018

Common Health Problems and Solutions

Hello, my name is Catherine and this is my blog all about health and medical topics. I was inspired to start this blog by my husband who works in a hospital. He isn't a doctor, he works in a lab testing blood samples. However, he is extremely interested in medicine. When his grandma got sick, he quickly established what might be wrong and got her all the help she needed. Sometimes is the evening, we sit and read textbooks and talk about medicine. It sounds insane but we both really like it. I decided to start this blog to show off some of what I have learnt.